Andrea Westerinen, Founder and CTO Ms. Westerinen has over 30 years of technical management and leadership experience in government and commercial spaces. She holds an MS in Computer Science from Nova Southeastern University and a BS in Physics/Mathematics from Marquette University. Ms. Westerinen has filed 8 patents as inventor or co-inventor (6 issued to-date).

Jeff Westerinen, CEO Mr. Westerinen has over 33 years of executive management and product leadership experience at Microsoft, Intel, NCR and IBM. He holds an MS in Mechanical Engineering and a BS in Biochemistry, from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Mr. Westerinen has filed over 100 patents as inventor or co-inventor (over 70 issued to-date).

Jeffrey Ried, Partnerships Jeffrey Ried, PhD, brings over 15 years of experience in building partnerships and catalyzing change in multicultural settings. He has held leadership positions in non-profit, philanthropic, and government organizations in the US and Africa including the Gates Foundation and Ethiopia’s Agricultural Transformation Agency. He and his wife co-founded and operate the nonprofit Ethiopian Education Fund.

Becky Jackson Ms. Jackson has seven years of experience working with various academic groups on the development of biological and biomedical ontologies with a focus in automating development and quality control. She holds a BS in Computer Science/Biology from University of Maryland. Ms. Jackson is an author on over ten scientific papers on the subject of ontologies & ontology development with more in progress.

Marty Jackson Mr. Jackson has over five years of experience as a Data Scientist in various industries. He designs and builds predictive state models for automating machine learning pipelines. Mr. Jackson holds an MA in Economics from American University and a BA in Economics from Bucknell University.